Process for Recurring Invoice

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Million Accounting
Recurring Transaction

It is normal that regular customers that are buying the same product with the same quantity and on the same price. Million allows its users to save a controlled transaction and generate when users ordered same item and quantity.

Using this function, users no longer needed to re-enter the same transaction details every time their regular customer place an invoice. Users will just have to generate from recurring transaction, which saves up more time and reduces possible human errors

The below guides are showing the steps on how to create a Recurring Invoice and how to generate an Invoice from it.

Case 1: Generate recurring transaction for stock and Invoicing

Step 1: Maintaining Recurring Invoice

Step 2: Generating Recurring Invoice to Sales Invoice

Case 2: Generate recurring transaction for accounting only

Step 1: Create Recurring Transaction

Step 2: Generating Recurring Invoice to GL Transaction

Case 1: Generate recurring transaction for stock and Invoicing

Step 1: Maintaining Recurring Invoice

1. Go to Sales and select Recurring Invoice

2. Click on Add button

3. At the Header Page, enter Customer Code

NOTES: If there is a recurring invoice required by more than one customer, save the recurring invoice under one customer code first. Users are allowed to select other customer code while generate the invoice

4. Click on Body

5. At Body page, enter the required details such as Product Code, Quantity, etc.

6. Click on Save Product

7. Repeat Step 5 and 6 until all items are entered

8. Click on Save button

9. Add New Recurring Invoice screen will refresh and directed to Header page to allow new entry. Click on Close button

10. The saved recurring invoice will be listed iin Recurring Invoice screen

Step 2: Generating Recurring Invoice to Sales Invoice

1. In Recurring Invoice screen, select the recurring invoice that wanted to be generated by marking the check box

2. Click on Generate button

3. Click on the arrow down button of Generate To

4. Users are allowed to generate the recurring invoice to Invoice or Cash Sales. Select either one


Select Default Customer if the recurring invoice is generated to the same customer code entered while maintaining the recurring invoice.

Select Choose Customer if the recurring invoice is generated to other customer code entered while maintaining the recurring invoice.

6. If user select Chooser Customer, users are able to select the customer displayed in the box below. To select, mark the check box on the right of the customer. (Users are unable to select customer if Default Customer is being selected)

7. Enter Document Set reference no. and Date of the recurring transaction

8. Click on OK button

9. A confirmation message will be prompted, click Yes

10. A notification message will be prompted, click OK

11. Go to Sales and select Invoice

12. Users are able to see the generated recurring invoice listed

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Case 2: Generate recurring transaction for accounting only

Step 1: Create Recurring Transaction

1. Go to General and select Recurring Transaction

2. Click on Add button

3. Select the entry accordingly and enter the transaction

4. Click on Save button

Step 2: Generating Recurring Invoice to GL Transaction

1. Go to General and select GL Transaction

2. Click Quick Entry

3. Select Recurring Transaction and click on OK button

4. Tick on Recurring Transaction record

5. Select Batch Group and enter Date accordingly

6. Click on down button beside the Reference No.

7. Select the ref.No

8. Click on OK button

9. Click on Save button

10. Click on Yes button

11. System display the transaction accordingly

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