Debtor B/F Transaction

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How to Add Deptor B/F Transaction?

1. Go to Debtor > Debtor B/F Transaction

2. Click > Add button

3. Click > dropdown button A/C No, then choose the Debtor.

4. Click a debtor. Then, click > OK button to proceed

5. Fill the other information, then click > Save button. Finish

How to Edit B/F Transaction?

1. Go to Debtor > B/F Transaction

2. Click a record that want to edit. Then, click > Edit button

3. Edit/ change the information that you want, then click > Save button. Finish

How to Delete B/F Transaction?

1. Go to Debtor > B/F Transaction

2. Click a record that want to delete. Then, click > Delete button

3. Click > Yes button to confirm delete

4. Click > OK button to complete. Finish

How to Filter B/F Transaction?

1. Go to Debtor > B/F Transaction

2. Click > Filter button 

3. Fill the data below (use dropdown button to select the object), then click > OK button to filter

4. The B/F Transaction was successfully filtered. Finish

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