Multiple Delivery Address

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Million Accounting
Multiple Delivery Address

A customer might have more than one delivery address. This guide below is to show users on how to manage cases like this in sales transaction.

In this guide will be shown in three parts, the first part will show users how to maintain the delivery addresses, the second part is to show users how to select delivery address in Sales Invoice. Thirdly, the guide will show users on how to customize the invoice to show delivery address.

Below are the overall contents for this topic:

Step 1: Maintain multiple delivery addresses in debtor maintenance

Step 2: Select delivery address in sales invoice

Step 3: Customise sales invoice to display delivery address

Step 4: Add customize report into output format

Step 1: Maintain multiple delivery address in debtor maintenance

Table 1: Debtor Maintenance with multiple delivery address

1. Go to Debtors and select Debtor Maintenance

2. Click on Add button

3. Enter data according to Table 1

4. Click on Save button

5. To enter Kedah Delivery Address, select the Debtor A/C and click on Address

6. Click on Add button

7. Enter second delivery address according to Table 1

8. Click on Save button

9. Click on Close button to exit

Step 2: Select delivery address in sales invoice

1. Go to Sales and select Invoice

2. Click on Add button

3. At the Header page, select the customer code

4. Tick on Delivery Address

5. System show Search button

6. System display panel for user to select different delivery address. Select Kedah Delivery Address

7. Click on OK button

8. System display Kedah Delivery Address

9. Click on Body to continue enter product item

10. Click on Save Product button

11. Click on Save button to save the record

Step 3: Customise sales invoice to display delivery address

1. Select the invoice with delivery address

2. Click on Print button

3. Select report format and click on Customize

4. Report Designer panel will be prompted. Click Maximize button to enlarge the display

5. Select addr field, then right click and select Properties

6. Change the Expression from thead.addr to thead.daddr

7. Click on OK button

8. System update new expression

9. Click on View

10. Select Preview to preview the result

11. Invoice display Kedah Delivery Address

12. Exit preview and return to report designer

13. To save the file, click on Save As

14. Select a folder to save the invoice format

15. Rename the file(optional) and click on Save

Step 4: Add customize report into output format

1. Select the invoice with delivery address

2. Click on Print button

NOTES: System only display default output format in the listing

3. Click on Manage to add the customized report format

4. Click on Add

5. Enter the Title

6. Select the file format location that have been saved during customization

7. Click on Save button

8. System add the new output listing

9. Click on Preview

10. System show the output format

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