Landing Cost

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Million Accounting
Landing Cost

In this section, please take note that GL Account, Batch, Debtor and Creditor Maintenance has already been maintained.

This section only show users how to enable landing cost function and how to use it. This calculation method is as below:

(Total Amount of a Product/Sub-Total) X Landing Charge

Step 1: Maintain product in the system

Step 2: Enter the purchase invoice

Step 3: View the stock value report

Step 1: Maintain product in the system

Table 1: Product Maintenance

1. Go to Stock and select Product

2. Click on Add button

3. Maintain all the product according to Table 1 and click on Save button

4. Click on Save button to save the record

Step 2: Enter the purchase invoice

Table 2: Enter the purchase invoice

1. Go to Purchase and select the Purchase Invoice

2. Click on Add button

3. In Header, select a supplier and enter the date

4. Then, click on Body

5. In Body, enter the transaction details according to Table 2

6. Click on Save Product

7. Right click on the empty space of the Body page

8. A menu will be shown upon right click, select the Landing Cost

9. After this, click on Landing Cost button on the bottom left of the screen

10. Enter the Landing Charge amount according to Table 2

11. Mark all the check box on the right of the product

12. Click on Calculate, the charges will be divided accordingly to the quantity of the product

13. Next, click on OK button

14. Finally, click on Save button

Step 3: View the stock report

1. Go to Stock and select Stock Reports

2. Select the Stock Value Report

3. Beside that, click on OK button

4. Select From Product To Product

5. Select the Detail for the View Option

6. Finally, click on Print then Preview

7. The outcome of the report is as follows:

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