Contra Note

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Million Accounting
Contra Account

This topic show user the method to contra off Purchase Invoice and Sales Invoice. This situation might occur when one of the supplier happen to be the customer at the same time.

Below are the overall content for this topic:

Step 1: Issue Puchase Invoice

Step 2: Issue Sales Invoice

Step 3: Journal Entry to contra off purchase invoice and sales invoice

Step 4: View Remittance Advice

Step 5: View Debtor Statement

Step 1: Issue Purchase Invoice

Table 1: Add Creditor Purchase Invoice

1. Go to Creditors and select Purchase Invoice

2. Click on Add to create a new purchase invoice

3. Enter transaction according to Table 1

4. Click on Save A/C

5. Click on Save

Step 2: Issue Sales Invoice

Table 2: Add Debtor Sales Invocie

1. Go to Debtors and select Invoice

2. Click Add to create a new invoice

3. Enter transaction according to Table 2

4. Click on Save A/C

5. Click on Save

Step 3: Journal Entry to contra off purchase invoice and sales invoice

Table 1: Add Debtor Sales Invocie

1. Go to General and click on GL Transaction

2. Click Add to create new GL Transaction

3. Enter transaction according to Table 3

4. Click on Save

5. Tick to knock off first invoice

6. Click on Save

7. Tick to knock off second invoice

8. Click on Save

Step 4: View Remittance Advice

1. Go to Creditors and select Creditor Reports

2. Credit Reports menu will be shown, select Remittance Advice

3. Click OK

4. Enter the filter details as the table provided

5. Tick the selection that shown as the picture

6. Click Print

7. When Print Option menu is shown, select Preview

The outcome of the report is as follows:

Step 5: View Debtor Statement

1. Go to Debtors and select Debtor Reports

2. Debtor Reports menu will be shown. select Debtors Statement

3. Click OK

4. Enter the filter details as the table provided

5. Tick the selection that shown as the picture

6. Click Print

7. When Print Option menu is shown, select Preview

The outcome of the report is as follows:

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