1. Click on General > Miscellaneous > Currency
2. You have successfully to view the currency.
2. Click the Add button.
3. Select the currency that you want to add and tick the box. Then click the Save button.
4. Click the Yes button to save the record.
5. You have successfully to add the new currency.
2. Select the currency that you want to edit and click the Edit button.
3. Edit the details on this page. Then click the Save button.
4. You have successfully to edit the currency.
2. Select the currency that you want to delete and click the Delete button.
3. Click the Yes button to delete the currency.
4. You have successful to delete the currency.
2. Click the Print button.
3. Select the option that you want to print.
4. Click the Print button to print out it.
1. Click on General > Miscellaneous > Project
2. You have successfully to view the project.
2. Click the Add button to add the new project.
3. Key in the details for the project on this page and click the Save button.
4. You have successfully to add the new project.
2. Select the project that you want to edit and click the Edit button.
3. Edit the details of the project on this page. Then click the Save button.
4. You have successfully to edit the project.
2. Select the project that you want to delete and click the Delete button.
3. Click the Yes button to delete the project.
4. You have successfully to delete the project.
3. You can filter that you want to print or print out all the project. Then click the Print button to print out it.
1. Click on General > Miscellaneous > Department
2. You have successfully to view the department.
2. Click the Add button to the new department.
3. Key in the details for department on this page and click the Save button.
4. You have successfully to add the new department.
2. Select the department that you want to edit and click the Edit button.
3. Edit the details of the department on this page. Then click the Save button.
4. You have successful to edit the department.
1. Click on General > Miscellaneous > Project Opening Balance
2. Click the Filter button.
3. Select the project that you want to view the project opening balance and click the OK button.
4. You have successfully to view the project opening balance for the project.
2. Select the account in the project opening balance that you want to edit and edit it on this page.
3. After edit the account, click the Save button.
5. You have successfully to edit the account in the project opening balance.
2. Click the Print button to print out it.
1. Click on General > Miscellaneous > Last Year Account Figure
2. You have successfully to view the last year account figure.
2. Select the account in the last year account figure that you want to edit and edit it on this page.
5. You have successfully to edit the account in the last year account figure.
3. Key in the details that you want to filter and click the OK button to filter it.
4. You have successfully to filter the last year account figure.
1. Click on General > Miscellaneous > Budget
2. You have successfully to view the budget.
2. Select the account in the budget that you want to edit and edit it on this page.
4. You have successfully to edit the account in the budget.
1. Click on General > Miscellaneous > Fixed Assets Disposal Value
2. Select the account that you want to view and click the View button.
3. You have successful to view the asset disposal value for the account.
2. Select the account and click the View button.
3. Click the Add button to add the disposal value.
4. Key in the details on this page and click the Save button.
5. You have successfully to add the disposal value for the account.
3. Select the disposal value that you want to edit and click the Edit button.
4. Edit the details on this page and click the Save button.
5. You have successfully to edit the disposal value.
3. Select the disposal value that you want to delete and click the Delete button.
4. Click the Yes button to delete the record.
5. You have successfully to delete the disposal value for the account.
1. Click on General > Miscellaneous > GL Description
2. You have successfully to view the GL description.
2. Click the Add button
3. Key in the details on this page and click the Save button.
4. You have successfully to add the new GL description.
2. Select the GL description that you want to edit and click the Edit button.
3. Edit the details on this page and click the Save button.
4. You have successfully to edit the GL description.
2. Select the GL description that you want to delete and click the Delete button.
3. Click the Yes button to delete the record.
4. You have successfully to delete the GL description.
1. Click on General > Miscellaneous > Revaluation
3. Click the Refresh button.
4. Select the account that you want to add and key in the details. After that, click the Save button to save the record.
5. You have successfully to add the revaluation.
2. Select the account that you want to edit and click the Edit button.
4. Edit the details on this page and click the Save button to save the record.
5. You have successfully to edit the revaluation.
2. Select the account that you want to delete and click the Delete button.
4. You have successfully to delete the revaluation.
3. Select the view option and click the OK button.