Million Accounting

How to add GL Transaction?

1. Click on General > GL Transaction

Add GL Transaction Pic 1

2. Click on Add button.

3. Key in the details on this page.

4. Click the Save button.

How to edit GL Transaction?

1. Click on General > GL Transaction

2. Select the transaction that you want to edit and click the Edit button.

3. Select the transaction again and click the Edit button.

4. Edit the details for the transaction and click the Save A/C button.

5. Click the Save button to save the record.

How to delete GL Transaction?

1. Click on General > GL Transaction

2. Select the transaction that you want to delete and click the Delete button.

3. Click the Yes button to delete the transaction.

How to filter GL Transaction?

1. Click on General > GL Transaction

2. Click on Filter button.

3. Select the transaction that you want to filter and click the OK button.

4. Transaction filtering is successful.

How to print out GL Transaction?

1. Click on General > GL Transaction

2. Click on Print button.

3. You can filter that you want to print or print out all the account. Then, click the Print button to print out it.

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